Andrej Krutak

andree-spambots-be-gone-the at

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Alumni of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics / Charles University

Fulltime SW engineer @ SYSGO.

Linux userspace programming Android OSS Misc. digital hardware (hacks) Drone piloting and hacking Drums @ "Myncryst" Bass @ "What did I miss" Travelling the world OSM WikiVoyage

A few years ago I bought a guitar effect, USB-sound-card like device - thinking the support for it will be easy to do in linux... Long story short - it wasn't.

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Canary Islands (2016)

A roadtrip adventure in Tenerife and La Gomera

A friend of mine allowed me to use his pebble watch for a few months, to decide whether wearables are for me... A good opportunity to code a few apps :)

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Low Tatras (Slovakia) (2015)

With friends, we had a blast weekend at the end of October

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Switzerland (2015)

Sure - it's expensive. But the beauty!

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Cuba (2014)

A beautiful country yet to readjust to "western manners"...

Notes for myself to remember...

So you want to build just the cyanogenmod kernel, not the whole 50+GB world...

A home alarm written in python, which uses RFID for authentication, can capture/send pictures via webcam, activate alarm via GPIO.

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